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Community Service

Students must earn forty (40) hours of Community Service as one of their graduation requirements.  Students may begin to earn these hours once they complete their eight (8th) grade year.  The hours may be earned all at one time, or in any manner that meets the student’s schedule, during his/her high school years, but must be completed prior to the student’s participation in a commencement ceremony and the granting of a diploma.

Community Service is any volunteer service that is done for a non-profit agency or organization. A nonprofit designation and tax-exempt status are given only to organizations that further charitable, cruelty-prevention, educational, literary, public safety, religious, or scientific causes or purposes.  Examples of nonprofit organizations include hospitals, universities, national charities, churches, and foundations. School service is also included.  All students will record their community service hours in x2vol, which is housed in the Naviance Program.

To access x2VOL through Naviance, please follow these instructions:

IMPORTANT – Must choose “class of” option to record hours and sync with your transcript and Service Hours requirement. ALSO – if serving weekly, monthly, etc., please record entry with total hours served and date range noted within the description.

1. Log in to Naviance Student. *Login with Clever
2. Click x2VOL in the Resources section of the Naviance Home page. *within a top tab
– The x2VOl dashboard will appear in a new window.
– First time users will be prompted to register – User name is your student email. Complete the profile and select your class group.
3. Click Add Hours under common tasks.
4. Select Create New.
5. Complete the form and all required fields.
6. Click Submit.

BHS PTSA Wolverine Guard Award for Community Service

Wolverine Guard (WG) is a Bellevue High PTSA sponsored award that recognizes students who perform 100+ hours of community service in the 12-month period from May 1st to April 30th of each school year.

Organizations Welcoming Teen Volunteers:

Bellevue Boys and Girls Club

Bellevue Schools Foundation

Bellevue Youth Council

Bellevue Youth Theater

CampFire Central Puget Sound

Food LifeLine


Jubilee Reach

Kids Coming Together

King Count Library System

Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center

Mercer Island Youth and Family Services Thrift Shop

Seattle Aquarium

Teen Feed

Washington Trail Association


Woodland Park Zoo

The Bellevue School District does NOT endorse any outside organization/event. The above list is provided as an informational service only. It is strongly recommended that every participant, as well as parent or guardian, research the organization thoroughly, before participating, to be certain it is an appropriate fit.

The Bellevue School District does NOT endorse any outside organization/event. The above list is provided as an informational service only. It is strongly recommended that every participant, as well as parent or guardian, research the organization thoroughly, before participating, to be certain it is an appropriate fit.